Hitler believed German youth to be the future of his Third Reich. Military Warehouse. Domain info More domains registered by Network Solutions, LLC fudousanget. Hello Mr. 00 Item #63430 French M1874 Gras Bayonet, Steyr Mfg 1878 Price: $135. #48786C OFFIZIERHEIM WILDFLECKEN Dinner Fork $115. Wittmann Antique Militaria Hitler Youth MedalsWittmann Antique Militaria Thomas T. 00. The reverse of the bar is covered in red velvet. #48168C Deutsche Frauenarbeitsdeinst Brooch $175. It has a relatively plain handle having a small pressed border on each side. Wittmann Antique Militaria is one of the leading online dealers in Imperial German and Third Reich edged weapons and arifacts. Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 11:00am - 4:00pm EST. Is wittmann antique militaria good and safe to purchase from? To expand on what u/Styner141 says, he is well known in the community and is the personification of "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. The group was formed in 1921, and grew to a huge force of nearly 3,000,000 men by the later 1930's. Civil War Fifth Model 1864 Burnside Saddle Ring Cavalry Carbine - Matching Serial 24214 $2,195. But it is a form of theft by. It is beautifully carved from a fine brown wood. Wittmann Antique Militaria TeNo (Technische Nothilfe) Daggers. This one is even more modern than the older fake Hoffmann marked badges, and sports the coffin pin attachment. #48957C L SS AH Tea Spoon $895. There are oak leaves that run around the oval border. Wittmann Antique Militaria 20K views The Dagger Of The Pure Evil, Tested! JoergSprave Identification of a Parts SA Dagger 8 months ago Down the Cellar 58 - Up In Smoke 1 month ago SPECIAL! Thomas. Wittmann Reference Books Exploring The Dress Daggers Of The German Luftwaffe. #48794C Afrika Korps Dinner Fork $150. Busily packing The MANY Orders that came in over our week away, and We are LISTING NEW ARTIFACTS Daily! So, feel free to ORDER that wonderful ARTIFACT that you've had your eye on, as it will SHIP within 24 Hours of Receipt of Payment! We will be HERE THROUGH JULY, enjoying the. $65. The swastika decals is worn but it is still about 85% intact, with the silver police decal in a similar. The bird is a closed-winged design, clutching. Wittmann P. The third stickpin features the insignia of the driver’s club with an eagle having DDAC on. The serrations are still crisp throughout and the silvered edges are still very nice having a light. PAYMENTWittmann Antique Militaria - Miniatures. Wittmann Antique Militaria has become one of the premier military collectible sites on the web, specializing in German Imperial and Third Reich artifacts. Recently listed on his site, is a fake SSFM honour stickpin, for $295-. This wound badge is hollow-backed and retains the original black finish. 6 out of 5. 8733 or 856. RLB groups were kept busy training the German population for civil defense. Wittmann Antique Militaria - Occupation Medals. Wittmann Antique Militaria Medals Categories We at Wittmann Militaria offer a vast array of Imperial, 3rd Reich and other medals. $375. Asking only $125. It is triple etched to about halfway down the 31 ½ inch blade. #48785C HASAG Dinner Fork $125. Wittmann Antique Militaria Adolf Hitler Silverware On occasion I am fortunate enough to offer some of the silver, flatware and serving pieces specifically made for the residences of Adolf Hitler. Military Trader Feb 28, 2022 Thomas T. - for a known, modern fake. Box 350 Moorestown, NJ 08057-0350 856. 00. com:. FLAGS #48651 NSDAP Party Flag Swords. This 25 Year Faithful Service medal is in the shape of a Maltese cross having an oak leaf wreath in between the legs. Wewelsburg. Wittmann Antique Militaria Railway Daggers. Wittmann Antique Militaria #48793C BDM Dinner Teaspoon. The flag measures 11 feet by 6 1/2 feet. Wittmann Antique Militaria #47647C 1st Model RLB Officer - Ernst Witte. The reverse has the number “4”, indicating that it was given for four years of service. According to data from Statisca. 20% Off Wittmann Antique Militaria Promo Codes Jul 2023 SALE Deal Wittmann Antique Militaria Deal: Get an Exclusive Benefits When You Create an Account at Wittmann Antique Militaria Applies Site-Wide. Himmler (ridiculously) fancied himself a descendant of this man, and was quick to incorporate him into the ham-handed pastiche of Teutonic mythology that he liberally slathered over the SS. American Society of Military Insignia Collectors. The span of the eagle's wings is 32 inches and the bird from the top of head to the bottom of the. The short strap has very fine moire with good velvet backgrounds. Wittmann Antique Militaria #48791C SA Dinner Fork. Asking only $125. #48594 Luftwaffe Officer Hangers $185. The reverse has a low set pin that I assume that this was the way it was made. 00 Item #63427 European, Post WWII Leather Holster & Harness Price: $75. The reverse of the title has the remnants of the original RZM tag. S. Walter H Kanzler is well known by some collectors to have fake item's on his table. 00 ON HOLD 0723 Japanese 1937 China Incident War Medal in Case . This sign is a little bit unusual in that the edges all the way around are folded downward. Get This Deal 50% Off Wittmann Antique Militaria Competitor Codes Committed to procuring the finest memorabilia from around the world, the Ruptured Duck is the #1 trusted online source of Original WWII memorabilia. The Ehrenkreuz der Deutschen Mutter, or in English, the "Cross of Honour of the German Mother", often referred to colloquially as the Mutterehrenkreuz (Mother’s Cross of Honour) or simply Mutterkreuz (Mother’s Cross), was a state decoration and civil order of merit conferred by the government of the. The handle is nicely decorated, with a domed end. #44838C Pair of Naval Sword Hilt Candlesticks $750. 00 Wittmann Antique Militaria - Flags & Cloth Items Section Mr. It was a chained version of their original example. 00. My name is. com, myers. Obverse is also a mess. 0:00 / 41:40 Unboxing with Thomas Wittmann! Daggers, uniform and lot of cool stuff! WarStory Military Antiques 18K subscribers 55K views 2 years ago Rarest of the RARE! Thomas Wittmann. Wittmann Antique Militaria - Luftwaffe Swords. Wittmann Antique Militaria #48400C Early RAD Hewer - Carl Eickhorn. The medallion has a raised out Maltese Cross with a closed winged eagle and wreathed swastika between each leg. 00. 00. Under the direction of the Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, the SS grew to be the most ruthless and feared organization of the 20th century. Offering crap like this in 2018, clearly shows he has learnt NOTHING. Wittmann Antique. NSDAPHOTEL #49005 NSDAP Hotel Creamer - $325. > > > > > >. The chain was to have one link marked, NSKK Musterschutz. He and his wife, Emmy, constantly entertained at Karenhalle and Obersaltzberg, as well as their lavish Berlin apartments. SHOP ANTIQUE GUNS Vintage Military Headgear SHOP Helmets & Hats U. This consists of an open-winged eagle which clutches a wreathed swastika superimposed over an oval wreath of overlapping oak. The bayonet was finished with a high-quality nickel. We have over six decades of buying, selling, appraising, consulting and collecting the souvenirs from that very important period of American history. The reverse is marked with a maker logo and "Rostfrei". Wittmann Antique Militaria has become one of the premier military collectible sites on the web, specializing in German Imperial and Third Reich artifacts. It has white textured strapping with two sets of dual black lines that run the length. Espenlaub Militaria. The hilts are produced of a pot metal base, having muted nickel-plated surfaces. The 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger was adopted for wear by officers and certain high-ranking NCO's in 1937. Wittmann Antique Militaria Faithful Service Medals FAITHFULSERVICE #47731C 25 Year Faithful Service Cross with Ribbon & Pin. The lower handle has raised edges and is. In the center, there is an immobile black. Wittmann Antique Militaria - 2nd Model Luftwaffe Daggers. 00 Original U. Wittmann Antique Militaria - Deutsche Reichsbahn Silverware. After 1936, NSKK Officers and long-term NCO's were designated with a new pattern dagger. The "AH" silverware mostly seen by collectors today was made by the Bruckmann firm of Heilbronn. Wittmann Antique Militaria WW2 Photo Albums PHOTO #48502 Army Photo Album. This is by far the best way to order. This 431 page, dust jacketed hard cover reference is the second volume in the Wittmann "Exploring" series. Wittmann Antique Militaria #48882C Reichsmarshal Engraved Salad Fork. German men (and. The degen was composed of a nickeled hilt design with "D" guard shape and black ebony grip. The edge is of plain tan cloth and is stitched down. Busily packing The MANY Orders that came in over our week away, and We are LISTING NEW ARTIFACTS Daily! So, feel free to ORDER that wonderful ARTIFACT that you've had your eye on, as it will SHIP within 24 Hours of Receipt of Payment! The U. 00 Nazi German Militaria: Flying Tiger Antiques Online Store. Attached to the woven belt are a pair of loops with nickel plated D rings. #1. New Items. It was worn by enlisted and NCO personnel. #48883C Reichsmarshal Dinner Knife $795. Wittmann Antique Militaria - Army (Heer) Officer's Daggers, Page One. Hermann Göring's wealth and grand style of living required table service and flatware second to none. ago To expand on what u/Styner141 says, he is well. Wittmann Antique Militaria - Army (Heer) Officer's Daggers, Page One. The Hunting and Forestry organizations under the German monarchy were often controlled by aristocrats and well-heeled businessman. The Hitler Youth (Hitler Jugend) was formed officially in 1935, and, with the exception of intense Nazi indoctrination, was very similar to the Boy Scouts. The weapon was worn in lieu of occasions not demanding the wearing of a more formal sword. Welcome to Stewart's Military Antiques!! Large and varied British Medal collection added, more to come. It was a chained version of their original example. Civil War Sharps New Model 1863 Saddle-Ring Carbine Converted to . In the center of the badge is a mobile swastika. WW2 German SS Members Armband Oil Cloth Tag . Wittmann Antique Militaria - SA Daggers (Sturmabteilung) Section. #48994 Royal Bulgarian Army Officer's Dagger $1,695. com similar sites and brands, we analyzed 44 criteria and summarized 1,496 data points in the comparison grid below. NNJ400 $35. 8733 or 856. John Prather. Bayonets. The Red Cross Officer and Social Welfare Patterns were instituted in 1938. Many of the dignitaries, that were waiting to see Hitler, were housed at Kleissheim, as it was not far from the Burghof. Hauschild Pforzheim". $425. Sauckel ran what turned out to be the largest slave trade industry in history. Wittmann Reference Books Exploring The Dress Daggers Of The German Luftwaffe. 50-70 Govt. At the bottom are additionally two gold brass artillery shells. It features a Roman-style short sword, pointing upward, and laid over a mobile swastika and enclosed by a fine wreath of oak leaves. Historical militaria and collectibles of all types and eras. The medals include the Iron Cross the Hindenburg medal and a Police long service example having the police eagle woven into the blue ribbon. Wittmann Antique Militaria - Third Reich Signs. The black paint is still there but the badge does show some rust here and there. " He has some great early books but has since been known to trump up pieces, parts pieces or just out. Raised out of the handle is a fine looking eagle clutching a wreathed immobile swastika. The Red Cross Officer and Social Welfare Patterns were instituted in 1938. 00 . During the 1930's and into the beginning war years, all officer candidates completing their exams were entitled to purchase a sword to wear with their dress uniform. My advice to younger collectors, STAY AWAY FROM WITTMANN ANTIQUES. They are a satisfying compliment to a fine 1st Model Luftwaffe dagger, also of the same design. Frequently they are referred to as half-size or three quarter-size examples. The SA or Brown Shirts, were a private political formation which Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP used to maintain order at organized Party meetings and demonstrations. EFL6173cxa. #48795C DAF Dinner Fork $75. We buy all kinds of foreign and domestic military items, including: German Daggers, German Medals, Helmets, Belt Buckles, Flags, Uniforms and much much more! We strive to make it simple and easy for you to turn your items into cash fast! We work with thousands of dealers and collectors worldwide so that you can get the best return for your items! Welcome to Stewart's Military Antiques!! Large and varied British Medal collection added, more to come. Contact. com customer ratings for July 2023. He is not endorsing the NSDAP or their political philosophy. Wittmann Antique Militaria ( wwiidaggers. This two volume edition is all in Japanese and as the language goes the book is read from right to left instead of left to. Add a sense of the mysterious to your home, office or life with ESS. The Luftwaffe Officer Degen was a new sword design first established in 1935, based on the cruciform style of medieval times. We are always interested in collectible quality flags, medals, armbands, buckles, uniforms, insignia, daggers, swords, engraved bayonets, miniatures or accoutrements, et cetera, of the Imperial or Third Reich periods. The amount of rubbish that he shows off as well as the fakes on his website that are out of control. Website. Wittmann Antique Militaria - SS (Schutzstaffel) Dagger Section. The dirk design was a cruciform, consisting of cigar-shape. It is complete with its original ribbon. ago To expand on what u/Styner141 says, he is well known in the community and is the personification of "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. Listed directly above the fake SSFM honour pin, is a genuine SSFM honour pin, described correctly, offered for $2700. Busily packing The MANY Orders that came in over our week away, and We are LISTING NEW ARTIFACTS Daily! So, feel free to ORDER that wonderful ARTIFACT that you've had your eye on, as it will SHIP within 24 Hours of Receipt of Payment! We buy all kinds of foreign and domestic military items, including: German Daggers, German Medals, Helmets, Belt Buckles, Flags, Uniforms and much much more! We strive to make it simple and easy for you to turn your items into cash fast! We work with thousands of dealers and collectors worldwide so that you can get the best return for your items! SHOP ANTIQUE GUNS Vintage Military Headgear SHOP Helmets & Hats U. #48884C Reichsmarshal Engraved Salad Knife $795. It appears to be produced in the early SA style. We make it easy to sell your items fast and hassle free. Wittmann Antique Militaria Accoutrement Section ACCOUMISC #48112 Black Leather Sword Carrying Strap. This Hindenburg medal is the typical Iron Cross depiction with swords running through and raised out wreath in the center. They were. We have over six decades of buying, selling, appraising, consulting and collecting the souvenirs from that very important period of American history. After 1936, NSKK Officers and long-term NCO's were designated with a new pattern dagger. They make great additions to a collection of edged weapons. Each episode can hit 10,000 views! I think Google is actually starting to like me, as they seem to run a lot of commercials during my presentations. We endeavor to carry only original examples and if we have any doubt about a particular piece, we seek out. NNJ382 $60. This Afrikakorps canteen is quite interesting and very collectible. This badge is of high quality production and is very early. This "legacy of opulence" has left much in the way. Hessen Antique is a company that offers antiques, historic items and World War II Militaria. The pommel top is constructed in the shape of an eagle bird head shown from the side, positioned looking to the left. 00. Wittmann Antique Militaria - Model 1933 SS Honor Dagger Wittmann Antique Militaria 11. Wittmann Antique Militaria - Luftwaffe Swords. There are no holes in the flag. They are a satisfying compliment to a fine 1st Model Luftwaffe dagger, also of the same design. Wittmann Antique Militaria has become one of the premier military collectible sites on the web, specializing in German Imperial and Third Reich artifacts. The frosted areas remain 100% intact.